

Follow Your Food Video Series

We know many teachers had field trips to farms or other agriculture related field trips planned for the spring that probably won’t be happening this year. While a video can’t completely replicate a field experiences, we do a have great video series that we call “Follow Your Food”. This video series would be great to use as a part of a distance learning lesson. There are 4 short videos to watch that look at carrot production in Northfield, the St. Paul Farmers Market, Wozupi Tribal Gardens in Shakopee and honey production in Minneapolis.

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Do It at Home Lesson: More Than a Grain of Rice

Have you ever read the book and mathematical folktake One Grain of Rice from Demi? It’s an amazing story about a young girl who saves her village by using the simple math concept of doubling. In the process she teaches the ‘raja’ or ‘king’ a lesson about what it truly means to be wise and fair.

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Let’s Make Ice Cream!

As the warmer days of spring arrive we start to think of grilling and sweet treats. Have you ever wondered where your milk or meat comes from? How beef cattle and dairy cattle compare? Check out our Milk or Meat? Beef or Dairy? Lesson where students will identify the differences between beef and dairy cattle and determine the commodities produced by each type of cattle. A fun hands on activity to make your own ice cream completes this lesson.

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DIY Bioplastic for Students Grades 3-5

What can you do with corn starch, corn oil and little water? Make bioplastic – of course! Our National Agriculture in the Classroom network is working to provide e-learning resources that students can easily complete at home to get a glimpse into the exciting and diverse world of agriculture. I thought that my daughters, 10 and 8, would be perfect people to try out one of these e-learning activities.

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Soup-er Lesson for Students Grades 3-5

Do your students know where their food is grown? How about what vegetables are found in their soup? This engaging lesson helps students identify the source of the food they eat and investigate the processes and people involved in getting food from the farm to their spoon.

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Newly Created HyperDocs Will Engage Your eLearners

We’ve taken our online resources and neatly packaged them into engaging HyperDocs for your students. One document is all you’ll need to guide your students on an educational journey to learn more about one specific subject!

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Greenhouse Challenge

Make the most of your time stuck at home…learn a new skill! Join our challenge & grow your own food! Yep. You got this! You can grow anything you want – I have lettuce, kale and spinach seeds to share – since these things like cool weather and grow fast. And we want you to share with us what you are doing! Your kids can LEARN, have FUN and GROW FOOD at the same time.

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Baby Chicks

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, according to my kids…’Mom! We get the eggs from a chicken, duh.’ I guess they might not be that into philosophy, but they sure are into baby chicks! Spring is synonymous to tiny chirps coming from tiny fluffy chicks in a tub in our kitchen. We have had baby chicks in our house every year for the past seven years, so for my kids it truly is part of every spring.

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Books in the Barn

We love to read and we love agriculture! Let’s enjoy some children’s books about agriculture together.

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