Mathiowetz Family Farm Virtual Field Trip

Join us as we visit the Mathiowetz Family Farm in Morgan, Minnesota. Joel is a fifth-generation farmer working alongside his father, brother and two uncles raising corn, soybeans and peas. We will be in the tractor with him as he is in the field sharing about farming corn and soybeans and he does to get his crops planted.

Mathiowetz Family Farm History

Joel’s grandpa’s grandpa immigrated from Germany to the very farm that Joel and his brother get to farm today. His Great-Great-Grandfather planted his crops with horse that pulled the equipment behind them or by hand. As his family continue to farm, the equipment and machinery used to plant and harvest has been improved and updated.

During the video, Joel shows an old post that still exists on the farm today. This originated from his Great-Great-Grandpa’s post from over 120+ years. Although it is no longer used to keep livestock inside a pen, Joel utilizes that post to help align equipment up to the property lines and farm his fields. He also uses GPS (global positioning systems) to assist with planting accuracy.

Meet the Family

Joel, his wife Amanda and two children Leo and Lucy all play a role on the farm. Additional support on the farm include Joel’s dad, his uncle and nephew along with his three other siblings. Seasonally as more hands are needed in the planting and harvest seasons, his cousin and uncle come to help. There are no employees outside of the Mathiowetz family employed on the farm. Together as a family, everyone operates and manages the farm together.

Watch the Virtual Field Trip

This year the Mathiowetz Family Farm focuses on corn and soybeans crops. Watch as Joel plants his crops in the field and shares his story with us.

Interested in learning more about crop farming? Check out these past blog articles!

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