Farmfest Women Farmer of the Year 2022

On August 2-4, 2022 Minnesota Farmfest, Minnesota’s largest agricultural event, with over 500 exhibitors and venders. Farmfest has been held at Gilfillan Estate which is a historic farm in Morgan, Minnesota in Redwood County and has proudly hosted Farmfest since 1994. The final day of Farmfest is filled with honoring farm families across the state of Minnesota including the University of Minnesota Farm Family of the Year award and the highly esteemed Farmfest Women Farmer of the Year Award.

The Farmfest Woman Farmer of the Year Award honors the hard-working female farmers all across Minnesota who selflessly give their time to growing the crops and raising the livestock needed to feed the world. This year’s Farmfest Women Farmer of the Year Award is sponsored by Ziegler CAT, AgCountry Farm Credit Services, CHS Inc, Farm Bureau Financial Services, & Minnesota Department of Agriculture's Water Quality Certification Program.

We are very honored to work with Emily Ponwith as a team member of the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation. Emily serves as one of our Regional Curriculum Specialists. In that role, she works to connect Minnesota K-12 educators with free resources to help bring agriculture to the classroom.

About Finalist Emily Ponwith

Emily and her husband grow corn, soybeans, kids, and cattle on their fifth-generation family farm in southern Minnesota. In 2021 she traded in my traditional classroom for the farm and hasn’t looked back since.

Emily’s mission in her digital space is to bring together a community of rural women who are passionate about deeping their understanding of the agricultural lifestyle. Whether you grew up in agriculture, married into it, or simply have a passion to learn, you are welcome that digital space.

Emily helps spread the word of agriculture through her website and social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Farmfest Farmer of the Year finalists are nominated for the award. Emily's nominator had the following the say:

Emily grew up in southern Minnesota, but not on a farm. Emily graduated from University of Wisconsin-River falls where she earned a degree in Elementary Education and later earned a Masters degree in Teaching and Learning from MSU-Mankato. After teaching fifth grade for eight years, Emily stepped away from public education to better serve her family and farm. Emily is passionate about education, children, and agriculture. In addition to farming, Emily now works as a Regional Curriculum Specialist with Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom. She is involved with a variety of daily operations on their family's 6th generation farm. Emily has quickly learned how to operate the grain cart tractor, takes on daily cattle care, prepares field meals, manages beef orders, and organizes farm and family logistics. Emily is passionate about sharing the story of her farm family across social media and through blogging. The community Emily has fostered and continues to craft within her social media platforms brings women of all walks and backgrounds together. She works to empower and educate this online community and give them the support and resources to thrive within their operations.

Women in Ag Event

Women Farmer of the Year Award is a part of the Women in Ag Event at Farmfest. This year’s Women in Ag Event featured Keynote Speaker, Michelle Miller, The Farm Babe. Her keynote addressed bridging the gap between farmers and consumers. Michelle shared her social media sharing journey and provided inspiration and encouragement to others to share their own agricultural story. Michelle prides herself on fighting misinformation around agriculture and food and proudly communicates tough topics and all the success that is modern farming.

Live Recording of Michelle's, The Farm Babe, Keynote Talk

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