Agriculture: Local to Global

Are agricultural products grown in Minnesota exported all over the world? Do Minnesota farmers provide food for our state’s citizens? The answer to both these questions is yes! This three-day tour investigated both local and global agriculture and food systems.  This tour was offered in partnership with the Minnesota Alliance for Geographic Education (MAGE) and was funded through a grant from the National Geographic Society. Participants received a $300 stipend for attending this tour.  Lodging and meals was provided.

What are Summer Teacher Tours?

2022 Teacher Tour: Agriculture Local to Global

The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Program (MAITC) is excited to offer a unique summer professional development opportunity for K-12 educators and industry professionals. Our Summer Teacher Tours allow educators to observe and experience current agricultural productionprocessing and distribution techniques, as well as exposure to a wealth of standards-based, agriculture themed lesson plans and resources. Participants will network and share how they intend to use these experiences and resources to integrate agriculture into their curricula to improve student achievement by applying authentic agricultural examples to teach core curriculum concepts in science, social studies, language arts, math and nutrition.

Additional 2022 Teacher Tours

Featured Stops on This Tour


Classroom Work Sessions

Daily classroom sessions will enable teachers to use the context of agriculture to combine the Geo-Inquiry process and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in curriculum focused on the Minnesota State Social Studies Standards.

Daily In-Field Sessions

Over the course of the three day teacher tour, daily field sessions will allow teachers to directly interact with farmers and agricultural processors to gain an understanding of food production and its relationship with geography.

J. Carver Distillary

Local Vineyard and Winery Tour

J. Carver Distillery is located in the farming heart of Carver County, Minnesota. The same spirit that led Minnesota pioneer and namesake Jonathan Carver is found at the heart of the distillery. “Spirits of Discovery” is their guiding passion. Local farm-to-glass spirits are produced entirely onsite in the Waconia facility using sustainable practices. J. Carver Distillery is proud to be putting Minnesota barreled spirits on the map with bourbons, ryes, and wheat whiskeys, brandies, barrel gin, and specialty spirits. J. Carver offers discriminating clear spirits aficionados four distinctly different gins and two distinct vodkas.

Thalmann Seeds

Corn and Soybean Farm Tour

This family crop farm and seed business was established in 1877, 50 miles southwest of Minneapolis near Plato, MN.  Approximately 2000 acres of land are in corn and soybean production.  They also contract with area growers for seed cleaning, and conditioning, as well as have export experience to Japan, Europe and Africa.  Precision agriculture technology, tools, and equipment are utilized to efficiently and responsibly manage production and conservation

CHS Savage Terminal

CHS Terminal, Savage, MN

The CHS Grain and Barge Loading Terminal in Savage, Minnesota is located on the Minnesota River. This terminal is part of the Mississippi River System that transports grain using waterways throughout the world.  Barges are loaded with corn, soybeans, winter wheat and spring wheat brought to the terminal by truck from local farmers, nearby CHS evaluators and some by rail on the Union Pacific.

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