Author: Sarah Kuschel
This has been a different spring for all of us but one thing that has remained the same for my family and me is calving season. Calving time is one of my favorite times on the ranch. Seeing the new life in the baby calves is such an uplifting part of the day.

Having our kids along side us everyday not just on the weekends has been a treat as we share these experiences and memories together. Other farmers and ranchers are welcoming lambs, foals, chicks, piglets and more each day. Farmers and Ranchers are caring for their animals each and everyday to make sure their needs are met and that they are properly cared for. On our family ranch we move our "pairs" - the cow and her calf - with our horses to help keep the cattle calm. While we are all at home, I thought you might enjoy getting to see a little bit of our new calves!
The Lesson
This lesson has been used in a first grade classroom I work with every spring and it goes well with the standards in science when they are learning about animal babies and habitats.
Spring time is always a good time to think about animal babies in agriculture. Students will match farm animals with their young, learn the terminology for the males, females, and baby animals, identify products each farm animal produces, and learn basic facts about how animals are cared for on a farm or ranch.
Check out this lesson great for K-2 students!