Virtual Field Trip to Kvistad Turkey Farm

On this virtual field trip, you’ll meet Hunter Kvistad, a Minnesota turkey farmer. We will get to see his turkey farm, learn all about how turkeys are cared for, what they eat, where they live, and how turkey farmers care for their birds.

About Kvistad Turkey Farm

Kvistad Turkey Farm is a third generation turkey farm. Hunter Kvistad oversees the production of around 240,000 turkeys each year, raising six flocks per year. Kvistad Turkey Farm takes care of birds for 12 weeks, starting from poults (baby turkeys) that are just a few days old to market ready turkeys.

A Home for 40,000 Turkeys

Kvistad Turkey


The turkeys at the farm grow up in barns as large as football fields,  each housing up to 40,000 birds. These barns are designed to provide a comfortable environment, starting at 103 degrees Fahrenheit and gradually cooling to 74 degrees as the turkeys grow. The turkeys live in a bedding made up of sunflower hulls and wood shavings. The sunflower hulls are oily to help control dust. To make sure the turkeys grow, Hunter closely monitors the barns. The turkeys have constant access to fresh water and a feed blend of corn, soybeans, vitamins, and minerals.

From Poult to Market

The process begins with young poults, which spend their first four weeks in a brooder barn, sleeping most of the day as they grow. Once they are ready, the poults move to a finishing barn to mature. After 12 weeks, the turkeys reach an average market weight of 16 pounds. Unlike wild turkeys, the commercial turkeys raised at Kvistad are white and bred to grow faster.

Farm to Table

Kvistad Turkey Farm partners with Jennie-O in Melrose, MN, where Jennie-O processes and ships the turkeys worldwide. The price Hunter receives for his flock depends on multiple factors, including the cost of corn, soybeans, and propane, which are all inputs in raising the turkeys.

To learn more about Kvistad Turkey Farm, check out the virtual field trip video.

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