Spring Planting Focus Area

After the recent snow in the midwest, it may seem impossible to many Minnesotans that spring planting is nearing very soon! Farmers are preparing their tractors, planters, field cultivators, sprayers and prepping their seed tenders as they are itching to get the seed into the ground. In anticipation of the upcoming planting season, April's focus area is spring planting.

Grade-Specific Lesson Plans

In an effort to assist K-12 educators with joining in on the fun of celebrating the spring planting focus area, our team has selected one standards-based lesson for each grade. Learn more about the grade-specific lesson plans below.

Growing Plants in Science and Literature, More Than an Empty Pot (Grades K-2)

Students use the story of The Empty Pot to explore literature and science, practicing story mapping and examining the needs of plants and the importance of soil and water. Like the characters in the story, students plant and observe the growth of seeds. 

Desktop Greenhouses (Grades 3-5)

Students investigate the importance of light to plants by creating a desktop greenhouse investigation and exploring the process of photosynthesis.

Plant Propagation (Grades 6-8)

Students will learn about two types of plant propagation – seed planting (sexual) and stem cuttings (asexual) and recognize the genetic differences in these processes, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Earth's Land and Soil Resources (Grades 9-12)

Students discover that topsoil is a nonrenewable resource and use an apple to represent how Earth’s land resources are used. Through critical thinking, students study agricultural land use and consider the sustainability of current land use practices including the use of land to feed and graze livestock animals.

AgMag Spring Planting Focus Area Connections

From knowing when the ground is ready to put seeds in to seeing the first sprouts break through the soil, spring planting is an exciting season for many people across the state of Minnesota. Check out the AgMag connections to the spring planting focus area for grade specific uses in your classroom.

Looking to plan ahead for the month of May’s Minnesota Grown focus area? Check out the virtual field trip, AgMag Connections and standards-based curriculum coming soon!

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