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The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom e-newsletter provides us with the opportunity to connect educators with ideas on incorporating food, fiber, forests, flower and farming in their curriculum. Our newsletter highlights these connections through lesson plans, websites, books, videos and additional materials for classroom teachers, agriculture advocates and community volunteers who teach science, social studies, language arts, and health/nutrition. Stay updated with all Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom upcoming events and news by subscribing today!

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MAITC Monthly Blog Features

MAITC Presentation July 29 2024 Soybean Page 25 Image 0003

Careers Beyond the Farm: Lakeland PBS Ag Career Videos

Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) works towards helping K-12 students understand the world of possiblities that awaits in agriculture careers across the state of Minnesota. Ann Marie Ward, MAITC […]
Farm, Fiber and Fabrication

Farm, FIber and Fabrication Teacher Tour

Join us for an exciting exploration of agricultural “Fs” found in northern Minnesota. We’ll start the day at Wells Technology and be immersed in their Fabrication and manufacturing processes that […]
Orchard to Market

Orchard to Market Teacher Tour

Minnesota K-12 educators explored how apples are researched, grown and made into delicious products in the Twin Cities during this teacher tour. This tour featured three stops that allowed educators […]
The Hands that Feed Us

The Hands that Feed Us Teacher Tour

Educators discovered the journey food takes from farm to plate by learning directly from the hands that feed us: Farmers. On this teacher tour they connected directly with farmers who […]

Farmamerica: A Partner in Agricultural Literacy

We love working with partners who have the same goals in mind. One of those partners is Farmamerica.  What is Farmamerica? Farmamerica is Minnesota’s agricultural interpretive center located in Waseca, […]
Jessica Reading The Apple Orchard Riddle to First Graders 2

Kasson-Mantorville Elementary School 1st Grade Earth Science Immersion Day

Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) helps teachers across Minnesota increase agricultural literacy with their students through a variety of different experiences and learning opportunities. MAITC Resource Specialist Jessica Blosberg […]
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