Minnesota Rainfall

Rainfall Map

MN Weather Map
19 inches of rain per year. 21 inches of rain per year. 23 inches of rain per year. 25 inches of rain per year. 27 inches of rain per year. 29 inches of rain per year. 31 inches of rain per year. 33 inches of rain per year.

19 inches of rain per year.


19 inches of rain per year.


21 inches of rain per year.

23 inches of rain per year.

25 inches of rain per year.

27 inches of rain per year.

29 inches of rain per year.

31 inches of rain per year.

33 inches of rain per year.

Data Source: National Weather Service, MN DNR, Soil & Water conservation Districts, and others; compiled by the MN DNR.

What and Where?

Imagine you’re a farmer. In which of the four growing areas would it make sense to grow these crops? Write your answers in the table below. Check your work by going over the growing area descriptions below.

Minnesota growing regions commodities

Ask Yourself

  • Which growing areas normally get the least rainfall each year?
  • Which areas get the most?
  • Why must farmers understand rainfall patterns when they choose which crops to plant?
  • What happens to farm crops when rainfall is way ABOVE normal?
  • What if it is way BELOW normal?
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