Moo To You

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Did you drink milk today? How did that milk get to you?

moo to you

1. On the Farm

Milk cows live on dairy farms. Farmers feed and take good care of the cows. Cows give us milk. This Farmer is using a milking machine. What is she doing?

2. On the Road

Tank trucks take milk from the farm to the plant. Milk must be kept cool all the way from the farm to you. Why?

milk truck
dairy food

3. At the Plant

Milk is tested and heated to make sure it is healthy and clean. It is put in cartons or bottles.

milk cartons and jugs
buying milk

4. At the Store

Trucks take milk to stores. Your family buys the milk.

5. You Drink the Milk

How many different kinds of milk can you name? Skim milk is one kind.

girls drinking milk and eating cheese

Draw It!

Draw 1 or 2 of your favorite things that are made from milk on a piece of paper. Write the name next to each thing you draw.


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