Why Are Plants Important?

We have plants to thank for most of our food, clothing, parks and gardens, furniture, and even the fuel that is used to power our vehicles. We rely so much on plants, it's important to know what they need in order to grow and produce.

Growing plants is more than simply planting seeds in the ground. In order for crops to thrive and produce, farmers know there is a delicate interaction of sunlight, soil, water, and weather that needs to occur. Each crop that is planted requires a different combination in order to thrive. Each year, Minnesota weather varies. Crops may be flooded out due to rainfall, damaged in a hail or wind storm, or frozen off due to cold temperatures. The weather can destroy an entire season of work seemingly overnight.

Hands Holding Soil with Plant

Other years, there is plenty of warm heat and sunshine, but not enough rainfall. When this happens, plants face the opposite struggle, requiring farmers to step in and make sure the fields are being fertilized and irrigated properly so the plants still have all their nutrient needs met. No growing season is ever the same, but one thing remains constant: each type of plant needs the right amount of sunlight, nutrients, water, and warm temperatures to grow the food and materials we rely on.

Revol Greens Spring Mix Packaging

How do these lettuce plants grow if they aren't in soil?

Minnesota has long winters, which can make it difficult to produce food outside year round. Some farmers are exploring ways to control the growing environment. Many farmers are looking into hydroponic farming to grow food year round.

Revol MN Farm
Photo courtesy of Revol Greens in Owatonna, MN

In a Hydroponic system, soil is taken out of the equation. Instead, plants grow and develop in nutrient-rich water that supplies all the nutrients the plants need to grow. Growing plants hydroponically can be very advantageous. The temperature of the plants and water can be controlled. The nutrients the plant receives and when can be regulated. It also allows for more plants to grow in a smaller amount of space.

Lettuce is one plant that does very well in a hydroponic system. The lettuce gets the exact water and nutrients it needs, and there are no bugs or diseases in the controlled environment. This allows healthy and nutritious lettuce to get to consumers like us very quickly!

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