Look at Them Grow

Look at Them Grow!

Students at West Central Area Schools in Barrett, Minnesota are connecting to agriculture using greenhouses and grow towers!

Barrett, MN Map Graphic

Elementary and middle school students at West Central Area Schools are learning to grow vegetables in grow towers. A grow tower is a vertical hydroponic ecosystem that allows plants to be grown indoors all year. Plants are grown in a liquid solution that has all of the nutrients the plants need to grow.

Elementary Student with Plate of Salad
Students grow salad greens, cucumbers, green onions and herbs in their grow towers.
Grow Tower at West Central Area Schools
Photos courtesy of West Central Area Schools
High School Student Holding Plant
9th-12th graders at the school grow more plants in a greenhouse and share what they grow with the local food shelf and community.

Crack the Code

Answer the riddle by matching the symbol to the correct letter.

Crack the Code symbols

What kind of lettuce was served on the Titanic?

Crack the Code

Guess the Picture!

Can you guess what this closeup image is from?
(Hint: It's found in a previous lesson of this AgMag)

Closeup of purple flower

Now It's Your Turn!

How have you connected to agriculture? Submit your photo or video and you could be featured on mnagmag.org!

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