
Agriculture Crosswords

Solve this crossword using the words you learned in this edition!

1. An expert in the science of soil management and crop production.
2. When earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind or water.
3. A body of water that is found underground.
4. Allows liquids or gases to pass through it.
5. Soil made up of medium sized particles. It holds moisture well.
6. Soil that is a combination of sand, clay and silt.
7. The action of temperature, rain, and wind breaking down rocks physically into small fragments.
8. To supply water to crops.
Angry Corn Character

Why did the corn get mad at the farmer?

Because the farmer kept pulling the corn's ears!

Why are pigs so bad at football?

Because they are always hogging the ball!

Pig Playing Football
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